Saturday, August 27, 2011


Two days ago, we found out that the love of my life has cancer spread throughout his abodomen. We don't yet know what kind it is, but it's apparently bad. As if there were a good kind of cancer. "I have cancer, but it's all right ... it's the kind that gives you superpowers!" Not so much.

This is going to be my place to share my real feelings. Around him, around the kids and our friends, I'm optimistic and cheery. Inside, I'm pissed as hell. I'm selfish enough to be extremely angry that happily ever after turned out to be "Take what you can get." I'm not likely to be cheery, or inspiring; I'm likely to be cynical and blunt.

Also, if you are looking for inspirational stories about the power of Jesus, this ain't the place. I'm not a christian, and I'm not in the mood to hear how everything could be all better and roses if I were. I'm actually a little pagan, though not all that into the 'woo.' However, right now if you told me that there were a Mongolian psychic crystal that could suck the cancer out, I'd probably give it a shot.

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